Once upon a time (1970s *shudder*), the best publicity a band could hope for was to get on the cover of Rolling Stone. Once that happened, the groupies and drugs became as plentiful as magazine subscription cards. Things are different in this post-9/11 world of ours, though (it’s ALWAYS 9-11′s fault). Now, bands hope and pray to acquire commercial licensing deals and, less nauseatingly, to have their music be played on a TV show.
Or if that doesn’t work, be Sigur Rós and appear on a series with dragons and giants and *explosion noise*.
Thrones has landed Icelandic art-pop sensation Sigur Rós to appear in season four. Jón Þór “Jónsi” Birgisson, Georg Hólm and Orri Páll Dýrason are currently shooting an appearance on the Thrones set in Croatia. Showrunners David Benioff and Dan Weiss are longtime fans of Sigur Rós and would often listen to their music while shooting in Iceland (one of several countries used in the production of the show). (Via)
How do you say “Hodor” in Icelandic? Hódór?
(via Getty Image) (Via)