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Wilfred (FX, 10 p.m.) — Season premiere. It’s not on the level of Louie or Archer or It’s Always Sunny, but Wilfred had a really solid season last year, and as previously mentioned, tonight’s season premiere and its followup episode are both good. Elijah Wood continues to do great work as an unassuming stoner…who might eat your face off when you’re least expecting him to. I always assume Elijah Wood is about to eat my face off.
NBA Finals Game 7 (ABC, 9 p.m.) — Watch this. Record everything else.
Burn Notice (USA, 9 p.m.) — “Sam and Jesse travel to the Dominican Republic to help Michael with a high-stakes trade.” I’ll trade two burns for a notice and a future suit(s). DONE.
Hannibal (NBC, 10 p.m.) — Tonight’s episode is entitled “Savoureux,” which Google tells me is a “savory dessert course.” I guess “Melted Ho Hos” is too lowbrow for Hannibal.
The Graham Norton Show (BBC America, 10:30 p.m.) — Russell Crowe and Henry Cavill drop by to talk about Man of Steel, what it’s like to have double “l”s at the end of their names.
LATE NIGHT GUESTS: John Travolta and Japandroids on Letterman; Kristin Davis and Harvey Fierstein on Leno; Anna Paquin and Muse on Kimmel; Lewis Black and Matt Morales on Ferguson; Elijah Wood and Yeah Yeah Yeahs on Fallon; Tom Brokaw on Stewart/Oliver; and Joss Whedon on Colbert.