Sophie Turner, who plays Sansa Stark on HBO’s Game of Thrones, has made all arguments invalid. “Oh, you think you’re better at performing open-heart surgery than I am? Well, I have a direwolf and you don’t.” “What’s that? You’re telling me I can’t play the theremin for this ghost movie? Well, I have a direwolf and you don’t.” “You doubt my ability to STEAL THE DECELERATION OF INDEPENDENCE? Well, I have a direwolf and you don’t.”
She wins, she always does.
In between her hectic filming schedule, Sophie likes nothing more than to relax at home with her family and pet dog Zunni, who the family adopted from the series. She adds: “Growing up I always wanted a dog, but my parents never wanted one. We kind of fell in love with my character’s dire wolf, Lady, on set.
“We knew Lady died and they wanted to re home her. My mum persuaded them to let us adopt her.” (Via)
If anyone on the Futurama set is looking to put up Hypnotoad for adoption, yo.